Temper, Midway, and Paul Hardcastle, chosen by Steve

24 04 2011

Temper ~ No Favors ~ MCA ~ 1984

Recently we played Sinnamon ‘Thanks To You’ and for some reason this is a track that I associate very strongly with it. A BIG dance floor hit, especially in the USA where it was an unofficial number 1, It’s time to get spinnin’ and bust a few electro moves y’all.

Midway ~ Set It Out ~ Personal Records ~1984

Now, if ever a record sounded just like another, this HAS to be a ‘You’re The One For Me’ clone. Here we have the better instrumental version, that is as relentless as it is repetitive, but I still like it for all of that.

Paul Hardcastle ~ Papa’s Got A Brand New Pig Bag ~ 1985

I was very tempted to drag out Hardcastle’s version of You’re The One For Me, but as we’ve played that one before and haven’t really given airtime to too many others of his, I thought it better to give this a spin…his take on Pigbag’s monster club track. I just love the ‘we’re gonna get you, we’re gonna get you’ part of the intro to this.